“If you want to better a community, start with the youth.”

Our Mission

To train coaches and provide resources to facilitate the formation of locally run and holistically focused soccer clubs that instill character, provide opportunity, and inspire hope in youth around the world.


Playing a team sport promotes social, physical, and emotional well being but this is just the tip of the iceberg. Our clubs promote character development and mentorship, as well as opportunities like tutoring, workshops, and even school scholarships to help players succeed beyond the field.


Our clubs are run by local leaders who understand the culture, know the people, and are better suited for long-term involvement. Our clubs are built with the intention of having an impact & leaving a legacy that long outlives us.


Our clubs strive to provide training that will truly develop players and open doors for them to advance. We also help to provide these advancement opportunities through ID clinics and connections to professional clubs around the world.


The beautiful game is the world's passion and should be available to all. We are turning the "pay to play" model on its head and making sure finances never impede a young person from participating in our life changing soccer academies.

We come alongside communities where kids are facing serious hurdles that can derail their futures. These hardships can include anything from violence and economic struggles to the negative influences of media and criminal organizations.

Our mission at BPS is to empower them to overcome. We use soccer as a tool to foster character development and provide opportunities, helping them transform not just their own lives but also the communities they belong to.



You or your company can help found a club in a new country, sponsor a club, team, or a player giving kids around the world opportunities.

Follow along on social media to see the impact firsthand!

Thank You to Our Operations Sponsors