Donate Financially
Your monthly or one-time donation does far more than simply allow kids to play organized soccer. Your gift empowers youth across the globe by instilling character, providing opportunities, and inspiring hope for a better future.
For larger donations, please consider giving via check to save on processing fees. Thank you!
*Checks can be made out to Big Picture Soccer and mailed to 1914 Longview Drive Lancaster, PA 17601.
Your donation is tax-deductible and you will receive a receipt.
Sponsorship Tiers >>
The sponsorship tiers offer varying levels of support, from entire club sponsors to team sponsors, and support a player options, each providing unique benefits tailored to different donors' interests and capacities.
Impact Partners >>
Help keep BPS’s operations funded so we can continue our mission of impacting lives & communities around the world.
Our teams and players value the ability to come online and see the many different people coming together to make their experience possible. However, we understand some people would rather give anonymously and this is also an option available upon request.
Thank you!
Your gift gives hope to a child and their community.