BPS will be hosting 10-15 of our best international BPS players and they will take part in an advanced summer soccer camp in the beginning of August. Players will come to the U.S. to train every morning and play games at least once a week. They will get chances to be scouted by local college coaches during this time.

When they aren't playing soccer they will be taking tutoring classes in English or Business Entrepreneurship/Personal Finance. They will also go through character and leadership development talks and experience Lancaster County while living with a host family.

This is not only an incredible opportunity for them to grow and broaden their horizons. It also adds legitimacy to each of their international clubs! 

Camp Sponsorship


You or your company can help sponsor a player for this experience and cover all of the costs associated with this trip including: flights, training, food, transportation, and visas.

*Closer to the camp date, BPS will reach out about setting up a time to meet the player you sponsor